Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Value of a Scale

So, you want to start losing weight. Some people will tell you to weigh everyday, some will tell you to weigh once a week, and I'm sure some would say don't weigh at all. My wife picked up a scale at Costco today, and as I stood on it, the numbers were exactly what I thought they'd be, so what is the value of that scale? If I stay at 296.6 pounds, which I'll use as my official starting point, then that scale was a waste of 20 dollars, but if I see those numbers start to shrink, even just a little bit, than that 20 bucks bought hope and inspiration, commodities that money can't usually procure. I'm going to start my relationship with the scale by weighing everyday, and then posting that here in the blog much like I did today.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Mid Life Crisis

I turned 40 in 2007, and although I am very happy with my life, my family and my occupation, there is at least one thing that I want to change. I currently weigh 300 pounds, and according to many experts, I should be about 200 pounds (actually less, but 200 would be great). So I'm going to lose one third of myself. This blog will be my diary, my accountability, and hopefully my coach. I realize that another blog about a fat man losing weight will probably go unread for years, but maybe, just maybe, someone out there will check this out, get to know me, and cheer me on. Maybe in the future this blog can be a hub for people who are seriously overweight to connect, to share tips, to bare their weaknesses, and to lose themselves. And if all of that fails to happen, this blog can still be a record for myself, a way of looking back and realizing that incremental changes add up over time to big changes. Anyway, here's hoping for the best.